Monday, June 30, 2008

Dancing Matt

I saw this video (courtesy of Sherry who is allegedly studying for the Bar Exam, but is actually forwarding videos to her friends) and thought it was really fun to watch. But mostly, it reminded me of how many places in the world I have not been. Nu and I have traveled a decent amount (separately and together) but with the kids we get out of the country a little less.

It turns out that all I need is corporate sponsorship to travel the planet! This guy got a gum company to pay him to travel the world not once, but TWICE. And--I'm guessing--all the gum he wants. He's living my dream (only with more TMJ).

Check out the video:

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Here's his website:


Boom said...

Anyone want to pay me to dance by the pool of all of the Ritz Carltons of the world? Anyone?


Debo said...

Maybe I can be your camera-woman?

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